Market Research
KAA conducts regular scientific market research surveys and analysis of different markets. KAA focuses on surveys that provide clients with information that is vital to the planning of market strategies. Action-oriented surveys directly provide the client with a set of short and long term recommendations.
Market research is basic research with an overriding requirement to have direct business application. For research to be of any use it should follow laborious narrowly defined scientific methodology. Otherwise the results could be useless or, worse, wrong. An effective market research project is composed of two separate segments: the scientific and technical research segment, and the applied and business-oriented segment.
Here at KAA, Inc. we have been providing professional analytical services for a variety of multi-national, national and regional corporations since 1988. We make sure that the surveys are designed and conducted in accordance with technical and analytical requirements to provide the client with results which have scientific accuracy and statistical significance. We usually assign more than one Ph.D. to each survey, at least during the early stages of design and development.